Friday, 16 August 2013

Character Summative

Albert the Goblin

My project was to Model,design and texture a bipedal Character. I really wanted to go for a troll or goblin type creature as i thought it would be a lot more challenging.As i was comping up with concpcts i found an awesome reference of a Voodoo shaman, My goal was to create a bowlegged goblin shaman  While creating this character i used Zbrush to start the base mesh using a zsphare and then from then started to sculpt my high mesh character. 
I had a huge challenge when it come to creating his hands as i had never created hands before and i'm still rather new to zbrush. I really enjoyed created this more then my other projects. having the only restriction as it had to biped gave me a lot of room to explore how i wanted my character to look. 
I ran out of time to create his mask and lion cloth but i'm hoping in the holidays i;'ll come back to him and create a better version and finish off his assets, fix some of the problem areas in his normals and improve his diffuse map. For my first character i'm rather pleased with his out come. 

Tri Count:
                      LOD 0-11990 (Limit 12k)
                      LOD 1-4996 (Limit 5k)
                      LOD 2-1294 (Limit 1k)
Texture size: 2048 px
Software used: Xnormal, Zbrush, Maya, Photoshop
Renders: Taken in Xnormal, Ddo, Maya and Zbrush

Gun Formative

Real Life Gun Formative

For my formative i chose a Tommy gun. This was the first time we really had to use normal maps. Id only every created one normal map before and that was from a 2D texture. I never got around to texturing this as i got stuck on normals maps. The biggest thing i learnt from this project was not to put all my time doing one part of the project. Once i had my gun modeled i spent close the the rest of the week just trying to work out how to use and bake a normal map. As you can see it never come out pretty. Also when we got the brief my class and i though the poly count was 2k quads not tris. coming from a animation / movie diploma we didnt realize that our briefs meant a tri count. This was a huge hurdle to over come.  I started just working on one part of the gun, the barrel trying to perfect that before moving on to any other part of the weapon  In the end i had a grey scale model with a unusable normal map , with double the Tri count

Tri Count: LOD 0-4162 (Limit 2k)
                  LOD 1-3842 (Limit 500)
Texture size: 521 px
Software used: Xnormal, Maya
Renders: Taken in Maya

I mangered to get my normals looking better but they still weren't even close to normals i could use, So i decided to change the uv map to see if it was my Uvs that were the issue

Texture size: 2048 px
Software used: Xnormal,, Maya, Photoshop

Rock Formative

Rocky Week

During this week i fell ill so i was un able to do the work in class and fell a little behind. We wee only allowed to use zbrush to create our rock and then re topogize  bring it into maya and make some LODS, with textures. 

Tri Count: LOD 0- 608 (Limit 600)
Texture size: 521 px
Software used: Xnormal, Zbrush, Maya, Photoshop
Renders: Taken in Maya and Zbrush

 I changed the rock completely I created it zbrush using hpolish and smooth as well as i got to play with some alpha tools which was a new experience for me. I got the tri count under the 600 which i failed to do so in my first attempt, My normal map also came out quite clean and nice first try. Super happy moment there :)  

 Tri Count: LOD 0-588 (Limit 600) 
 Texture size: 512 px
 Software used: Xnormal, Zbrush, Maya, Photoshop
 Renders: Taken in Xnormal, Ddo, Maya and Zbrush

Weapon Modelling Summative

Skeleton Scythe 

I went for a more organic style for my weapon summative. i got a lot of inspiration from darksiders, and god of war. I created the skull in zbrush as well as the ribs. 
I started off with the ribs being one mesh each but the polys hat ate up was way way to high so i had to rethink it, and ended up bring it into zbrush to create it as a whole.Creating the ribs was by far the most challenging part . 
Tri Count: LOD 0-3757 (Limit 2k)
                  LOD 1-1775 (Limit 1k)
                  LOD 2-976(Limit 500)
Texture size: 2048 px
Software used: Xnormal, Zbrush, Maya, Photoshop
Renders: Taken in Xnormal, Maya and Zbrush



Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Group Environment Formative


For this project we were put into groups, My group decided to go for a underground themed roman style. I was set with the take of making the bridge that would go between platforms. We got taught how to create normal maps from a jpeg, once i had created my diff map i then use crazy bump to make my normal map. 

Tri Count: LOD 0:4254 (Limit 3k)                
Texture size: 1024 px
Software used:Crazy Bump, Maya, Photoshop
Renders: Taken in Maya

Monday, 22 July 2013

Humanoid Modelling Formative

Demon Bust

Project we got given was to create a head bust in zbrush, then retopologize it so it could be textures.
I first started with a monk like guy which i should have kept going with but after a few days of playing in zbrush i decided i was Pro( bad idea) And decided to go for something more extreme so i went with this guy. A horned faced demon. I found an awesome tutorial that taught me how to do the horns . which was making a make , adding mesh to that masked area and the using the snake hook tool to get a desired shape.
I didnt have as much time as i hoped for for texturing and i just went for a red vain looking face texture with purple horns.. it turned out pretty terrible.

Tri Count: LOD 0-15990 (Limit 8k)
                  LOD 1-4996 (Limit 4k)
Texture size: 1024 px
Software used: Xnormal, Zbrush, Maya, Photoshop
Renders: Taken in Xnormal,  Maya


Time to fix this guy. I dropped his tri count so it fits within the correct poly limit i also re did his uvs and normal map. As well as gave him a new texture.

Tri Count: LOD 0-7266 (Limit 8k)               
Texture size: 1024 px
Software used: Xnormal, Zbrush, Maya, Photoshop
Renders: Taken in Xnormal, Ddo,  and Zbrush